Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Is This She Speaks Of?

Hello all. Well, its 12.43 in the morning and it's Labour Day. But i'll have to wake up at 7 am and go to school for some stuff. So much for Labour Day. Since I couldn't really sleep, I decided I'll write this post. So today, I'll introduce Hirsutism to you.

What Is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism. The word itself makes me spin into an ecstacy of emotions. Hirsutism which derived from a Latin word, "hirsutus" which means shaggy,hairy is a condition that effects every 1 in 100- 150 women of our kind. In a gradient from high to low, European/Caucasian women are more prone to having hirsutism than Asian women. But that still does not answer the question, WHAT IS HIRSUTISM?

Alright time for an explanation. Both girls and boys have hormones right? And in both sexes, they don't just have hormones of their own sex but also of the other sex. For example, girls have a hormone called Estrogen but the female body also requires them to have male hormones such as androgen and testosterone. Usually, in normal healthy women, the male hormone to female hormone ratio is something like 1 to 10. (Hypothetically speaking). This is totally perfectly normal and healthy.

However, in hirsute women ( women who have hirsutism ) , they face an elevated level of male hormones. In our hypothetic ratio just before this, their androgen level would be between 4 - 10 or 7 -10 which is rather high and not normal.


In my next post, I will discuss what Hirsutism does to a person's health and appearance. This is all for today. Understand it. Appreciate it.

- In the name of God most gracious , most merciful, may all my intentions that have been placed upon this path be blessed for the betterness of man -

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